Nu Plan for Chicago “He Will” Campaign
Citi-Son Community Transformation Model

Building and Becoming a City within the City in Order to Defend,
Develop and Transform Neighborhoods


A Christ-follower who believes the word of the LORD, and wants to participate in building and becoming a City within our City and a fully-functioning community within each community through the fellowship of Christ. John 1:12, Ephesians 2:19, Galatians 3:26

Citi-Son Circle

Two or more Citi-Sons in a 2-square block Quad. Circle members connect in prayer, fellowship, and neighborhood impact. Circle members may form or participate in other organizations, such as block clubs, in order to have a Kingdom impact in their community.

Circle members may form a community Hope Club to engage their neighbors in Kingdom fellowship and community transformation.

Citi-Son Cluster

All of the Citi-Sons within a 4-square block Peace Zone. Cluster members rally to the support of Citi-Son Circles when called on, and meet through the Assembly structure to defend, develop, and transform their Peace Zone.

Citi-Son Combine

All of the Citi-Sons within a Sector, which is composed of multiple Peace Zone neighborhoods. In addition to individual Citi-Sons, the Combine includes local churches and ministries that are active in Kingdom cooperation.  These local churches add strategic elements necessary for Kingdom community and neighborhood transformation.

Citi-Son Community Cooperative

All the Citi-Sons in a specified community. Co-op members agree in prayer and action and participate in important aspects of Kingdom church community including the buyers’ club, fellowship dollar initiative, and SAVE Community Land Trust.

The cooperative forms working committees for:

1) Scarlet Hope Initiative                          6) Nu Plan Development Group
2) SAVE Campaign                                     7) Time Dollars Initiative
3) SAVE Community Land Trust              8) Nu Plan Business Association
4) Teen Town Community Co-op            9) Nu Plan Community Care Network
5) Nu Plan Education Alliance               10) Neighborhood Empowerment Office (NEO)

All Citi-Sons are de facto members of the Cooperative. Active members are involved in the Co-op’s decision processes. Activation is through giving in a trimester offering and attending Assembly gatherings.

Citi-Son Community Council

The Council governs the cooperative. It is composed of Liaisons (Citi-Sons elected to represent their Quads); Representatives (Liaisons elected to represent their Peace Zones); Commissioners (Representatives elected to represent their Sectors); 2 Co-Chair leaders (one appointed by the Conclave and 1 nominated by the Representatives and elected by the Assembly).

The Council works with the Conclave to form the management and development Committees: Scarlet Hope, SAVE Campaign, Teen Town Cooperative, Development Group, SAVE Community Land Trust, Time Dollars Initiative, Business Association, Community Care Network, Education Alliance, Neighborhood Empowerment Office. All that is needed is an initial leader for each one and interested Citi-Sons.

Citi-Son Support Centers

These may participate in the Citi-Son cooperative.

Ecclesia Conclave

Five-fold leaders and individual governmental assignments who facilitate and oversee the development and fellowship of the emerging Zion of the LORD. The Ecclesia Conclave is connected to the Regional Apostolic Ecclesia.

Conclave representatives co-chair the community council and each of the management and development committees.