NU PLAN NEWS (7/21/22)

Last month, in connection with the governmental shift described in Isaiah 22:22, the LORD prompted me to designate the 22nd of each month as a time to engage in warfare prayer for governmental shifts.  I hadn't expected to do anything with that until September, but this morning the LORD highlighted a point of warfare that ties in with a prophetic insight shared by Prophet Chuck Pierce when he was in Chicago a couple of years ago.  I believe the LORD is shining His light on a demonic power personified by the savage and cunning Tsavo Lions - named "Ghost" & "Darkness" - that are on display at the Field Museum.  About 100 years ago, these lions worked in tandem to slay at least 135 people.  I believe the LORD is revealing that the demonic power portrayed by the 2 lions is stationed here to war against those who carry the Kingdom vision (light) in order to destroy their influence (Ghost), and to maintain an atmosphere of darkness (Darkness) so that Kingdom vision (light) is not seen and Kingdom efforts fail for lack of support.  As a result, cities are unable to shift into alignment with the Kingdom government of Christ.

I believe this demonic duo is also portrayed by the 2 lions in front of the Art Institute, which were first consecrated at the pro-Babylon, anti-Zion World's Fair in 1893 and restored just yesterday.  There they symbolically stand guard over prophetic portals to 1) destroy those who carry light that would shift government, and 2) maintain an environment of darkness that prevents light from being seen.

If this resonates with you, let's take some time tomorrow - July 22 thru July 29th to bind these lion-like devils.  Let's pray, pleading the blood, for those who carry Kingdom vision to be protected from demonic attack, and that the Light of Jesus Christ will prevail in Chicago and Beam Cities, so that those who sit in darkness will see a great light, resulting in a governmental shift that aligns with the Lordship of Jesus and the fellowship of His Kingdom.