NU PLAN UPDATE (1-20-23)

Good Evening!
Here's the lineup for the Summit Series that begins with prayer for our region on Sunday (1/22/23) at 5 PM.  The Citi-Son Orientation on Tuesday (1/24/23) at 6:30 PM is a great time to introduce new leaders and participants to the Nu Plan.  It is also a good place for current participants to be oriented for this year.  Hopefully, we can each bring somebody with us on the 24th!
On Wednesday (1/25/23) at 6:30 PM we will focus on community transformation, showing how Citi-Sons and leaders can establish Kingdom Government that transforms communities.
Wednesday (1/26/23) is a discussion on Kingdom economy with an emphasis on steps we can take this year.
The working lunch lineup at 12 noon those same days will also be inspiring and informative to those called to business (Tuesday), self sufficient food production (Wednesday), and arts and media, Thursday (1/27/23).
So let's pray the first week will be everything God wants - his people edified to fulfill individual destinies, existing efforts connecting for greater impact; and Christ's Kingdom advancing in our City and Region.  The link is: number:  872-240-3412
Access Code:  510-532-045