NU PLAN NEWS (7/16/22)

We are at the end of an a-MAY-zing month that began on May 4th with Citi-Sons gathering to celebrate the Nu Plan for Chicago, pray prophetically, and prepare for next steps, as we begin to build and become a fully-functioning city within the city and the region.

The month also included a day-long gathering on May 9th with members of the Illinois Coalition of Apostolic Alliances in order to present the vision of the Church as a city within the city, a community within each community, and a       1 Peter 2:9 "holy nation" within our nation and the world. Intercessors and fivefold leaders from around the State of Illinois came to stand in agreement and join in warfare prayer for a fully-functioning Zion to arise in Chicago and Region, and for Babylon to be defeated.

Now, as the Humility Month of June approaches, Citi-Sons are called on by the LORD to help lay hold of Chicago's destiny by occupying our communities thru the ecclesia of Christ; contending against Babylonian agendas that oppose Christ's Kingdom purposes; and executing the Nu Plan for Chicago in order to establish the Church as a local and regional city within our city.

Humility Month highlights include the HUMILITY PICNIC CELEBRATION on June 26, 2022 at Rainbow Beach at 79th and Lakeshore Drive, beginning at 1 PM. This will be a joyful time of laying hold of God's promises concerning the city and the region.

Earlier in the month, members of the west side Ecclesia Conclave and the Jesus Youth Council will gather in The LORD Is Here Community on June 12th at 3 PM to engage neighbors in establishing a COMMUNITY CONNEXION CENTER at Goldblatt School.

Also, on Wednesday evening, June 22nd, we will dive into various aspects of the Nu Plan for Chicago at the first of an online SUMMER SEMINAR SERIES. I hope every Citi-Son will be able to join in Humility Month Nu Plan activities!