In order to come out of the Babylon system, believers must establish a Kingdom-based economy.  Beginning Tuesday, March 28th at 6:30 PM, we will provide a monthly teaching series on Kingdom Cooperation, which is essential to creating a Kingdom Cooperation, which is essential to creating a Kingdom economy.  Citi-Sons will be equipped to used fellowship-based cooperation in order to establish successful businesses and provide other services there were previously unreachable.  This online series will be taught on the last Tuesday of each month.  You may register thru the Nu Plan website or simply show up for the class at:  The Call-in Number is:  872-240-3412.      Access Code:  510-532-045.

Another Nu Plan Institute offering this week is on Thursday evening at 6:30 PM.  Those who are interested in evangelism and community transformation will be trained in the Scarlet Hope Initiative.  The link for this one-time class is the same:  The Call-in Number is:  872-240-3412.
Access Code:  510-532-045.

Through these online courses, we are equipping and activating Citi-Sons to fulfill their Kingdom destinies, so we may build and become a fully functioning city of the LORD Jesus Christ, a regional city within our city, and a 1 Peter 2:9 "holy nation" within our nation and the world.