Kingdom Cooperative Church  - the body of Christ coming together in kingdom unity to carry out the Nu Plan for Chicago.

Kingdom of God - the government of God established and extended through the Church, which is a God-sufficient, separated society of born-again sons that is sovereign under Christ and energized, empowered, anointed, and informed by the Holy Spirit.

God’s Kingdom is demonstrated and manifested by fully developed and fully-functioning communities of Christ, the Zion of the LORD that is established on familial, local, regional, national, and global levels.

Kingdom Cooperative Church - brings God’s people together to fulfill the regional “Nu Plan,” which is focused on building and becoming a Kingdom city within our cities and a 1st Peter 2:9 holy nation within our nation and the world; a local and national expression of the universal church that establishes the Church in Kingdom formation and provides a new level of unity that is necessary for habitation and function.

This is a non-incorporated fellowship, based on the unity of the body of Christ and the Kingdom purpose of the LORD for our regional city and for the national the global church:

  - Individual participants - Citi-Sons
  - Church and ministry leaders - Kingdom Cooperators
  - Network members - Kingdom Collaborators

Fellowship Charter on 9/28/22 - with a prophetic declaration of Kingdom sovereignty under Christ on 12/18/22, made in connection with Haggai 2:18-23. Because we are coming together as a non-incorporated church, integrated auxiliaries for businesses and services are legally possible.

We are realigning with Acts 2 in order to experience Revelation 21-22.

Nu Plan for Chicago - God’s Kingdom plan contending against and overcoming current and previous Babylonian plans.  The Nu Plan was formally launched on 12/12/2020 "He Will" Campaign which overcomes the "We Will" Campaign being conducted by the City of Chicago.  The overall aim of the Nu Plan:

  - Build and become a regional City within the City (and a community within each        community)

  - Build and become a Kingdom Nation within the nation and the world

Regional Apostolic Ekklesia - provides regional oversight to Nu Plan                          implementation; establishes cooperative fellowship and facilitates the                      development of the Kingdom city

Local Ekklesia Conclaves - establish Kingdom cooperation in local communities

Prophetic Understanding - Chicago is Immanuel’s Gate.  It is not a portal for the spirit of anti-Christ as portrayed through Cloud Gate and Sky Landing.

Chicago is a center of equipping and mobilizing armies of Kingdom builders from the John the Baptist Generation (Gens Y and Z).

Chicago is a turning point for this nation and a flashpoint for the reformation of the global Church.

Related Spiritual Warfare

   - Prince of the Power of the Air - spirit of anti-Christ
   - Queen of Heaven - armies of Islam, Occult, Sexual Lawlessness
   - Leviathan - Strongmen of Religion, Mammon, Gangsterism

Annual Trimester Events

1) January 22 thru February 5 - “Nu Plan Summit Series”
2) May 4 (1st week of May) - “Zion has Come” Celebration, Recruitment &              Engagement
3) June 1-30 Humility Month - Humility Month Picnic on the last Sunday of the              month
4) August - Kingdom One Fellowship Picnic / Jesus Movement March (counter Bud
5) September 28 (last week of September) - Holy Nation Convocation (Beam Cities)
    Development Vision