NU Plan Community Development

The Regional Ecclesia and local Conclaves are working to create a comprehensive portfolio of projects that will create bricks and mortar facilities necessary for a fully-functioning city within city.
Portfolio Projects

 JBG Impact Homes - these are 2-3 flat apartment buildings located strategically in       neighborhoods throughout the city and region.  Anchored by a believing family on         one floor, the other floor houses a team of "John the Baptist Generation" young             adults who work together to establish the City on a Hill within their neighborhood.         Ministry includes outreach to youth and families, entrepreneurship, and various             forms of community development and service.  Team members are Ecclesia                   Institute students who are doing an internship that prepares them to establish the      Church as a fully functioning community wherever God sends them.  They are co-          owners of the Impact Home cooperative and are able to "cash-out" their share                when they move on to their next Kingdom assignment.  A variant of this concept            establishes one "anchor home" and several related apartments within a four-block

    square surrounding the anchor site.

Community Connexion Center - this is a cooperatively owned and governed               center of community life for believers and neighbors.  People come together                   around Kingdom fellowship for a wide range of opportunities and experiences.               Community Connexion Centers are centers for Kingdom ministry, organization,             economy, and development for the surrounding areas.  They feature 24-hour                 prayer for the surrounding community, worship facilities, recreation for youth and         families, classroom space, media and technology facilities, and council chambers           for the Ecclesia Conclave and Citi-Son Council.

Koinonia Cafe - this is a cooperatively owned and governed center for fellowship.       Modeled, in part, after the coffee houses of the previous Jesus Movement,                       believers come together to break bread and share ministry.  Located in 2-flat                   commercial residential buildings, each Koinonia Cafe is a venue for Christian arts           and has media tech entrepreneurial space for the development of Kingdom media         and technology.

Vision Village - this is a fully-developed cooperatively owned community of                   approximately 36 families practicing "Kingdom Church Community."  The Vision             Village is a center of Kingdom outreach and development for the surrounding                 sector and includes a range of retail opportunities, eateries, classrooms, and                   gathering space.